Már csak pár nap van Karácsonyig, így ma ismét ebben a témában fogjuk bővíteni a szókincsünket!
Remélem, hogy a mi Karácsonyunk is nyugodt és szép lesz, és Artúr meggyógyul. Sajnos szegény nagyon megfázott, köhög és elég magasra szökött a láza is tegnap:( Nagyon sajnáltuk szegényt, mert sokat sírdogált és látszott is rajta, hogy nem érzi jól magát:( Bízom benne, hogy holnapra el is felejti az egészet!
A nagy karácsonyi készülődés mellé küldök még egy nagyon kedves és vicces ünnepi videót Robbie Williams-szel a főszerepben:
MISTLETOE There's a fun tradition that North Americans follow during Christmas. Mistletoe is often hung from a doorway between two rooms. If someone stands under the mistletoe, it is customary for someone else (usually a member of the opposite sex) to kiss him/her. It can be quite a surprise to be suddenly kissed, but the person who is kissed usually quickly realizes they must be standing under mistletoe. | 

| CHRISTMAS TREE This is a decorated tree. Presents are placed under the tree. On Christmas morning, families and friends open their presents together. TRIMMING THE TREE Decorating the tree is called �trimming the tree'. We generally decorate the tree with Christmas ornaments, and Christmas lights. |
MANGER Historically, a small wooden trough that animals ate hay from. Jesus was put in a manger after he was born, so some people set up a manger with a plastic baby in it and animals around. | 

| STOCKINGS Also called socks. Nowadays, they are quite big-you would have to be about 10 feet tall to fit into the stockings most children hang. People hang stockings in front of a fireplace. Small presents are placed in stockings and usually opened on Christmas morning. |